hazy|hazier|haziest in English


[ha·zy || 'heɪzɪ]

foggy, misty, cloudy; confused, unclear, vague

Use "hazy|hazier|haziest" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hazy|hazier|haziest" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hazy|hazier|haziest", or refer to the context using the word "hazy|hazier|haziest" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hazy about demand from shebang.

2. I'm still hazy about it.

3. Synonyms: Brumous; foggy; hazy; misty

4. The summers were hazy with pollution.

5. I'm a bit hazy about that.

6. My vision has grown so hazy.

7. The room was hazy with smoke.

8. The distant mountains looked hazy and mysterious.

9. The mountains were hazy in the distance.

10. His views about political reform are hazy.

11. The view to the west was hazy.

12. What happened next is all very hazy.

13. Synonyms for Blurrier include fainter, unclearer, fuzzier, obscurer, shadowier, hazier, mistier, vaguer, dimmer and foggier

14. Synonyms for Blurriest include faintest, unclearest, fuzziest, obscurest, shadowiest, haziest, mistiest, vaguest, dimmest and foggiest

15. Outside the weather was hazy and dull.

16. She was a little hazy about the details.

17. My memories of childhood are hazy and episodic.

18. The floodlights were hazy behind the slanting rain.

19. My memories of the holiday are rather hazy.

20. I'm a bit hazy about my family history.

21. Sunny but hazy weather is predicted for the weekend.

22. I'm a bit hazy about what to do next.

23. It's hazy, that is, until you sleep on it.

24. We couldn't see far because it was so hazy.

25. Since it was hazy, we couldn't see the mountains.